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You can take it with you…

Peace of The Law Office of Regina L. Rathnau, we believe you can take peace of mind with you through intelligent, caring, collaborative, estate and tax planning services.

Here’s even better news: you can not only take it with you, we make sure the courts, governments and others don’t take most of it away through probate or avoidable taxes. Our uniquely credentialed capabilities, in estate law and as a CPA, ensure a dual defense of your hard work and wealth accumulation.

Knowing your estate matters will be settled as you wish them to be is of inestimable worth and your family and others will greatly value how you’ve made the administration and distribution of your estate easier and uncomplicated.

While our law office focuses primarily on estate planning and tax matters, we also offer expertise in real estate closings. Our firm places great emphasis on accuracy, customization of trusts and wills, and private and personal attention to you.

Contact us for a free estate conversation that makes you feel at home.

General Disclaimer

No information on this website constitutes legal advice. No attorney-client relationship exists between anyone viewing this site and the Law Office of Regina L. Rathnau LLC. An attorney-client relationship and attorney-client privilege only exists upon the client retaining the Law Office of Regina L. Rathnau and signing an engagement letter.